Thursday, November 4, 2010

A Soldier's Prayer

Oh Lord, when I go out to war
I must know what I’m fighting for
I’ve left my family behind, my friend
Lord, please let me see my little
ones again
Oh Lord, for freedom, justice and truth
Is everything to me
And I have peace and in this I believe that
When I go out on the battlefield
I know that life and death is for real
Oh Lord, I know while in  Afghanistan and Iraq
I might not come back
So  if I die in battle and this is a possibility too
Oh, Lord, today I make my peace with you
Take care of my family and my little ones
Remember my daughters and my sons
May I always be remembered even when I’m gone
Oh, Lord, please let my comrades make it home
Lord, when I went out to war
I knew what I was fighting for
I left my family behind, my friend
Lord, please don’t let America fall
We have come too far
 We have sacrificed it all

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